
Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

Day 2: Working For The Man.

Day 3: 108 Billion Legacies…Which One Are You?

Day 4: The Times They Are A-Changin’.

Day 5: To Be Or Not To Be…Biased.

Day 6: Reliability.

Day 7 Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 8: Someone Upstairs Runs The Show – Part 1.

Day 9: Someone Upstairs Runs The Show – Part 2.

Day 10: OK…So Who Is This Someone?

Day 11: There Has To Be A Way To Make It All Make Sense…Right?

Day 12: In The Beginning…Part 1.

Day 13: In The Beginning…Part 2.

Day 14: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

DAY 15: Are You Guilty Of…Presentism?

Day 16: Does Presentism Affect The Way You View The World?

Day 17: The Dangers Of Presentism.

Day 18: The Basics Of Polytheism/Animism.

Day 19: The Validity Of Polytheism/Animism.

Day 20: The Basics Of Hinduism.

DAY 21: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 22: The Validity Of Hinduism.

Day 23: The Basics Of Buddhism.

Day 24: The Validity Of Buddhism.

Day 25: The Basics Of Confucianism.

Day 26: The Validity Of Confucianism.

Day 27: Daoism…Or Is It Taoism?

Day 28: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 29: The Validity Of Daoism…Or Is It Taoism?

Day 30: The Basics Of Judaism.

Day 31: The Basics Of Judaism – Part 2.

Day 32: The Validity Of Judaism.

Day 33: The Basics Of Christianity.

Day 34: Jesus Of Nazareth…What Do His Friends Think?

Day 35: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 36: Jesus…The Outside, Independent Corroboration.

Day 37: The Solemn Oath.

Day 38: Jesus The Radical – Unpacking The Top Five.

Day 39: The Trilemma.

DAY 40: Are We Done Yet?

Day 41: Location…Location…Location.

Day 42: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 43: Ready. Set. Go!

Day 44: Islam Is Now 2-0.

Day 45: Five Pillars…And One Quran.

Day 46: The Doctrine Of Abrogation.

Day 47: So What Exactly Is The Law Of Sharia?

Day 48: The Validity Of Islam.

Day 49: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 50: So…Which One Is The Best Book? – Part 1.

Day 51: So…Which One Is The Best Book? – Part 2.

Day 52: These Books…Can This Be Settled…Once And For All?

Day 53: Christianity And The Life Of Jesus.

Day 54: Is he a Liar…A Lunatic…Or Lord? The Claims.

Day 55: Resurrection Theories – Part 1.

Day 56: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 57: Resurrection Theories Part 1 – Conclusion

Day 58: Resurrection Theories – Part 2

Day 59: Resurrection Theories – Part 3

Day 60: Resurrection Theories – Part 3 – Conclusion

Day 61: Resurrection Theories – Part 4.

Day 62: Resurrection Theories – Part 4 – Conclusion.

Day 63: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 64: Resurrection Theories – Part 5.

Day 65: Resurrection Theories Part 5 – Continued.

Day 66: Resurrection Theories – Part 5 – Conclusion.

Day 67: The Scientific Revolution – Part 1.

Day 68: The Scientific Revolution – Part 1 – (Part 2).

Day 69: The Scientific Revolution – Part 1 – Conclusion.

Day 70: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 71: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2.

Day 72: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – (Part 2).

Day 73: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – (Conclusion).

Day 74: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3.

Day 75: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – Part 2.

Day 76: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – (What Did Darwin Really Think?).

Day 77: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

DAY 78: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Do All Scientists Agree?

DAY 79: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Is The Science Really Settled?

DAY 80: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, 12 More Questions.

DAY 81: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Can You Give Me That Number Again?

DAY 82: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

DAY 83: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – Conclusion.

Day 84: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

DAY 85: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – E = mc2 +/- 1.

DAY 86: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link?

DAY 87: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link? – Conclusion.

DAY 88: Science…Fact Or Fiction?

Day 89: The Science…Can It Be Settled…Once And For All?

Day 90: Does Anyone Know What Astronomy Is?

Day 91: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 92: How Sharp Was…And Is…Ockham’s Razor?

Day 93: It Is As Easy As…The Flip Of A Switch.

Day 94: It Is As Easy As…31 Switches?

Day 95: It Is As Easy As…Getting To The Halfway Point.

Day 96: It Is As Easy As…Conclusion.

Day 97: At Least 100 More…Genesis To Job.

Day 98: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 99: At Least 100 More…Psalms To Isaiah.

Day 100: At Least 100 More…Isaiah To Zechariah.

Day 101: At Least 100 More…Matthew To Acts.

Day 102: At Least 100 More…Revelation.

Day 103: The Holy Bible And Biology – Genesis To Proverbs.

Day 104: The Holy Bible And Biology – A To B.

Day 105: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 106: The Holy Bible And Biology – C – Part 1.

Day 107: The Holy Bible And Biology – C – Conclusion.

Day 108: The Holy Bible And Biology – D – Part 1.

Day 109: The Holy Bible And Biology – D – Conclusion.

Day 110: The Holy Bible And Biology – E And F.

Day 111: The Holy Bible And Biology – G And H.

Day 112: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 113: The Holy Bible And Biology – H.

Day 114: The Holy Bible And Biology – K And L.

Day 115: The Holy Bible And Biology – L – Conclusion.

Day 116: The Holy Bible And Biology – M.

Day 117: The Holy Bible And Biology – O.

Day 118: The Holy Bible And Biology – O – Conclusion.

Day 119: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 120: The Holy Bible And Biology – P.

Day 121: The Holy Bible And Biology – Q and R.

Day 122: The Holy Bible And Biology – S.

Day 123: The Holy Bible And Biology – S – Conclusion.

Day 124: The Holy Bible And Biology – T – V.

Day 125: The Holy Bible And Biology – V – Z…(Actually V – W).

Day 126: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 127: The Holy Bible And Biology – V – Z…(Actually V – W) – Conclusion.

Day 128: The Holy Bible And Biology – What Did We Miss?

Day 129: The Holy Bible And Biology – What Did We Miss? – Conclusion

Day 130: The Holy Bible And Science – What Is The Next Field?

Day 131: The Holy Bible And Anthropology – The Creation Of Man And Woman.

Day 132: The Holy Bible And Anthropology – The Purpose, Fall, And Curse Of Man.

Day 133: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 134: The Holy Bible And Anthropology – Labor By The Sweat Of Their Brow And Sinner By Choice.

Day 135: The Holy Bible And Geology – Genesis To Job.

Day 136: The Holy Bible And Geology – Psalms To Peter.

Day 137: The Holy Bible And Geology – Just The Rocks – Exodus To Psalms.

Day 138: The Holy Bible And Geology – Just The Rocks – Ecclesiastes To Revelation.

Day 139: The Holy Bible And Hydrology – Genesis To Job.

Day 140: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 141: The Holy Bible And Hydrology – Psalms To Amos.

Day 142: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – Genesis To Exodus.

Day 143: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – Exodus To 2 Samuel.

Day 144: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – 1 Kings To Job.

Day 145: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – Job To…Job.

Day 146: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – Joel To Psalms.

Day 147: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 148: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – Psalms To Isaiah.

Day 149: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – Jeremiah To Nahum.

Day 150: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – Haggai To Matthew.

Day 151: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – Mark To John.

Day 152: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – Acts To…Acts.

Day 153: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – Acts To…Acts…Part 2.

Day 154: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 155: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – Acts To…Acts…Part 3.

Day 156: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – 2 Corinthians To Revelation.

Day 157: The Holy Bible And Paleontology – Genesis…Just Genesis.

Day 158: The Holy Bible And Paleontology – Exodus To Revelation.

Day 159: The Holy Bible And Paleontology – The Book Of Job.

Day 160: The Holy Bible And Paleontology – The Book Of Job…Part 2.

Day 161: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 162: The Holy Bible And Paleontology – The Book Of Job…Conclusion.

Day 163: The Holy Bible And Physics – You Matter: Genesis To Psalms.

Day 164: The Holy Bible And Physics – You Matter: Psalms To Matthew.

Day 165: The Holy Bible And Physics – You Matter: Matthew To John.

Day 166: The Holy Bible And Physics – You Matter: Romans To 2 Peter.

Day 167: The Holy Bible And Physics – You Matter: Revelation To…Revelation.

Day 168: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 169: Oh…Psychics, Not Physics – Part 1.

Day 170: Oh…Psychics, Not Physics – Part 2.

Day 171: Going Backwards Before Going Forwards.

Day 172: Going Backwards With 1 Or With 2?

Day 173: I Really Thought That I Was Done With Geometry!

Day 174: Which Came 1st, The Chicken Or The Egg?

Day 175: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Day 176: Is The Heliocentric Model…Wrong?

Unsure what this all means? Feel free to go back to the beginning and start there:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

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