Day 171: Going Backwards Before Going Forwards.

Thinking about the musings from Day 170: Oh…Psychics, Not Physics – Part 1.

For now, let’s focus on the present.

Without question, science is definitely an important topic throughout the Holy Bible. This evidence has been covered in depth in prior posts:

164 bible verses relating to the scientific field of Astronomy. (Day 102: At Least 100 More…Revelation.)

494 bible verses relating to the scientific field of Biology. (Day 129: The Holy Bible And Biology – What Did We Miss? – Conclusion.)

57 bible verses relating to the scientific field of Anthropology. (Day 134: The Holy Bible And Anthropology – Labor By The Sweat Of Their Brow And Sinner By Choice.)

72 bible verses relating to the scientific field of Geology. (Day 138: The Holy Bible And Geology – Just The Rocks – Ecclesiastes To Revelation.)

33 bible verses relating to the scientific field of Hydrology. (Day 141: The Holy Bible And Hydrology – Psalms To Amos.)

211 bible verses relating to the scientific field of Meteorology. (Day 156: The Holy Bible And Meteorology – 2 Corinthians To Revelation.)

79 bible verses relating to the scientific field of Paleontology. (Day 162: The Holy Bible And Paleontology – The Book Of Job…Conclusion.)


95 bible verses relating to the scientific field of Physics. (Day 167: The Holy Bible And Physics – You Matter: Revelation To…Revelation.)

After spending the time reviewing these 8 scientific branches of science covered in over 1200 verses throughout the Holy Bible, it would appear on the surface that the science is indeed…


However, what if the science is not in fact settled?

What then?

Back in my teaching days, I would spend at least a class period going into great depth and detail covering the Scientific Revolution.

In fact, I have already covered the Scientific Revolution in earlier posts here as well:

Day 67: The Scientific Revolution – Part 1 – Ptolemy.;

Day 68: The Scientific Revolution – Part 1 – Ptolemy And The Catholic Church. and;

Day 69: The Scientific Revolution – Part 1 – Copernicus To Newton.

One of the main takeaways that I wanted students to understand after covering the Scientific Revolution was to prove that:

Part A – All humans are flawed;

Part B – All science is created by humans;

Part C – Therefore, all science is flawed.

(For a better understanding of how I came to the conclusion above, please visit my earlier post covering Aristotle and his concept of syllogism: Day 11: There Has To Be A Way To Make It All Make Sense…Right?).

A second main takeaway that I wanted students to understand after covering the Scientific Revolution was to prove that:

The concepts, observations and conclusions brought forth by:

Nicolaus Copernicus; Poland; (1473 – 1543), Tycho Brahe; Denmark; (1546 – 1601), Johannes Kepler; present day Germany; (1571 – 1630), Galileo Galilei; Italy; (1564 – 1642), and Isaac Newton; England (1643 – 1727), proved that Ptolemy’s Geocentric, Earth-centered view of the universe…

Was wrong.

However, what if Ptolemy was in fact right all along?

What if there are at least 2 verses in the Holy Bible that contradict all of the data-collecting, math, and science, brought forth by these men from 1473-1727?

What if 1 of these 2 bible verses was to be found in at least one of the 8 scientific fields of: astronomy, biology, anthropology, geology, hydrology, meteorology, paleontology, and physics, already covered?

Could this 1 bible verse be the beginning of ultimately leading us to the following conclusion of:

Maybe the science is not settled after all?

So, what is this 1 bible verse already covered scientifically, and its companion bible verse not already covered?

That question will be answered next time.

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading Day 171: Going Backwards Before Going Forwards.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

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