Day 130: The Holy Bible And Science – What Is The Next Field?

Always remember that you are absolutely UNIQUE. Just like everyone else. (Margaret Mead)

Thinking about the musings from Day 129: The Holy Bible And Biology – What Did We Miss? – Conclusion

I would submit to you that there is universal acceptance that the Holy Bible is known primarily as a book known for its religious texts, instructions, poetry, prophecies and stories. I would further submit to you that in addition to all of that, the Holy Bible has quite a bit to say about eight branches of science.

In Day 102: At Least 100 More…Revelation., is posed a simple question:

Are there any other fields of science that are referenced over 100 times in the Holy Bible?

I would submit to you that there 3 ways to answer that question:

1) The short answer is…yes.

2) The medium answer is…regarding the scientific field of astronomy, look here:

In Day 92: How Sharp Was…And Is…Ockham’s Razor?, 1 bible verse was covered.

In Day 93: It Is As Easy As…The Flip Of A Switch., 1 more bible verse was covered.

In Day 94: It Is As Easy As…31 Switches?, 5 more bible verses were covered.

In Day 95: It Is As Easy As…Getting To The Halfway Point., 10 more bible verses were covered.

In Day 96: It Is As Easy As…Conclusion., 14 more bible verses were covered….

And that just was in the first book of the Holy Bible, the book of Genesis.

In Day 97: At Least 100 More…Genesis To Job., 25 more bible verses were covered.

In Day 99: At Least 100 More…Psalms To Isaiah., 31 more bible verses were covered.

In Day 100: At Least 100 More…Isaiah To Zechariah., 24 more bible verses were covered.

In Day 101: At Least 100 More…Matthew To Acts., 26 more bible verses were covered.

In Day 102: At Least 100 More…Revelation., 28 more bible verses were covered.

2A) And for the medium answer regarding the scientific field of biology, look here:

In Day 103: The Holy Bible And Biology – Genesis To Proverbs., 12 bible verses were covered.

In Day 104: The Holy Bible and Biology – A To B., 26 bible verses were covered.

In Day 106: The Holy Bible and Biology – C – Part 1., 16 bible verses were covered.

In Day 107: The Holy Bible And Biology – C – Conclusion., 21 bible verses were covered.

In Day 108: The Holy Bible And Biology – D – Part 1., 28 bible verses were covered.

In Day 109: The Holy Bible And Biology – D – Conclusion., 25 bible verses were covered.

In Day 110: The Holy Bible And Biology – E And F., 32 bible verses were covered.

In Day 111: The Holy Bible And Biology – G And H., 22 bible verses were covered.

In Day 113: The Holy Bible And Biology – H., 32 bible verses were covered.

In Day 114: The Holy Bible And Biology – K And L., 18 bible verses were covered.

In Day 115: The Holy Bible And Biology – L – Conclusion., 26 bible verses were covered.

In Day 116: The Holy Bible And Biology – M., 21 bible verses were covered.

In Day 117: The Holy Bible And Biology – O., 13 bible verses were covered.

In Day 118: The Holy Bible And Biology – O – Conclusion., 22 bible verses were covered.

In Day 120: The Holy Bible And Biology – P., 18 bible verses were covered.

In Day 121: The Holy Bible And Biology – Q and R., 28 bible verses were covered.

In Day 122: The Holy Bible And Biology – S., 28 bible verses were covered.

In Day 123: The Holy Bible And Biology – S – Conclusion., 29 bible verses were covered.

In Day 124: The Holy Bible And Biology – T – V., 13 bible verses were covered.

In Day 125: The Holy Bible And Biology – V – Z…(Actually V – W)., 16 bible verses were covered.

In Day 127: The Holy Bible And Biology – V – Z …(Actually V – W) – Conclusion., 14 bible verses were covered.

In Day 128: The Holy Bible And Biology – What Did We Miss?, 18 bible verses were covered.

In Day 129: The Holy Bible And Biology – What Did We Miss? – Conclusion., 19 bible verses were covered.

3) For the long answer…click on the appropriate links relating to both the scientific fields of astronomy and biology and come to your own conclusion.

For those that are ready to move on…

Let’s move on!

Before we conclude for today, I would like to at least bring up a third branch of science, and its agreed upon definition.

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the definition of anthropology is as follows:

The science of human beings especially the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture.

Whew! That is a lot for a definition.

I think that in order to keep it simple for us going forward, we should consider the following for our definition of biology:

The science of human beings and their ancestors through time and space.

Now that we have a reasonable working definition of the scientific field of anthropology, we will begin the process of investigating almost 60 bible verses that relate to the scientific field of anthropology.

So what are these verses?

We will cover the first group next time.

Do not feel discouraged if you do not see a connection with the Holy Bible and how it relates to the scientific field of anthropology. Do not feel discouraged if you are sure about the definition, you cannot see farther than that. Instead, understand that after you begin to investigate these verses, you are continuing the process of learning about the relationship between the scientific field of anthropology and the Holy Bible…perhaps without even realizing it.

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. (Isaiah 53:6 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading Day 130: The Holy Bible And Science – What Is The Next Field?

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

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