DAY 83: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – Conclusion.

Coincidence is God’s way of being anonymous. (Albert Einstein)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 82: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.….

I would submit to you that even if you are not strong in either math and/or science, it is still possible to use them both to help you come to logical and confident conclusions about the universe. I would further submit to you that there is an abundant amount of evidence to help you to determine the scientific validity of Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution.

In DAY 82: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, I presented 30 pictures that present the case for how the Fibonacci Sequence and the number 1.618, also known as the Golden Ratio, can be seen from galaxies, a continent, water, sea creatures, plants, animals, and insects.

Perhaps after reading that post you might be thinking about one obvious question:

Why were there no humans in any of those 30 pictures?

The answer to that question is simple:

Because I have 30 pictures below that are all related to:

The Fibonacci Sequence…

1.618, (the Golden Ratio), and…


So the same question that was asked in DAY 82: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, is to be asked again here:

Is the universe random, as Darwin’s Theory of Evolution would have you believe?

What follows next are 30, (more), pictures that I have found that all seem to have one thing in common:

1.618. The Golden Ratio, which is related to the Fibonacci Sequence.

After viewing these 30, (more), pictures, again, ask yourself this question:

Is the universe really random as Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution would have you believe?

Decide for yourself:

Picture 1: Human Brain:

Picture 2: Human Ear:

Picture 3: Human Cochlea:

Picture 4: Human Face (Part 1):

Picture 5: Human Face (Part 2):

Picture 6: Human Fingerprint:

Picture 7: Human Fist:

Picture 8: Human Heart:

Picture 9: Human Uterus:

Picture 10: Human Fetus:

Picture 11: Human:

Picture 12: DNA Equation:

Picture 13: Human DNA Strand:

Picture 14: Human Art – Botticelli – The Birth Of Venus (1484-1486, Italy):

Picture 15: Human Art – DaVinci – Vitruvian Man (1490, Italy):

Picture 16: Human Art – Michelangelo – Pieta (1498-1499, Italy):

Picture 17: Human Art – DaVinci – Mona Lisa (1503-1506, Italy):

Picture 18: Human Art – Velazquez – Las Meninas (1656, Spain):

Picture 19: Human Art – Vermeer – Girl With A Pearl Earring (1665, The Netherlands):

Picture 20: Human Art – Hokusai – The Great Wave Off Kanagawa (1831, Japan):

Picture 21: Human Art – Dali – The Sacrament Of The Last Supper (1955, United States Of America):

Picture 22: Human Architecture – Buddha Statue, (Date and location unknown):

Picture 23: Human Architecture – The Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza (2570 BCE, Giza, Egypt):

Picture 24: Human Architecture – The Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza (2570 BCE, Giza, Egypt):

Picture 25: Human Architecture – Parthenon (432 BCE, Athens, Greece):

Picture 26: Human Architecture – Parthenon, Part 2 (432 BCE, Athens, Greece):

Picture 27: Human Architecture – Notre-Dame de Paris (1163-1345, Paris, France):

Picture 28: Human Architecture – Taj Mahal (1632-1643, Agra, India):

Picture 29: Human Architecture – The National Gallery (1824, London, England):

Picture 30: Human Architecture – Bramante Staircase, (1932, Vatican City, Italy):

They say that a picture says a thousand words. If we are to believe that, then I would submit to you that there are 30,000, (more), words helping you to understand whether or not the universe is random, or something else.

I would submit to you that the case seems to be settled after viewing 60 pictures from both here and from: DAY 82: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words….

Is there something that we might be missing?

If there is, it is most likely going to be found in a time period that I refer to as:

The Scientific Revolution: Part 3.

Which I will address next…

After some rest.

Do not feel discouraged if you cannot come to a conclusion one way or the other after 60 pieces of evidence. Do not feel discouraged if connections between the Fibonacci Sequence, 1.618, the Gold Ratio, and humans, still does not make sense. Instead, understand that connection to the universe, humans, and the Theory of Evolution, is becoming more clear without even realizing it.

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (Genesis 1:26 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 82: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – Conclusion.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

DAY 82: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

Coincidences mean you’re on the right path. (Simon Van Booy)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 81: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Can You Give Me That Number Again?….

I would submit to you that even if you are not a math and science person like I am, (I taught AP World History and AP European History for 17 years), there is in fact a mathematical way to determine the scientific validity of Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution. I would further submit to you that it may be easier than you think to determine the scientific validity of Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution.

This math and science can be seen quite clearly through at least 30 pictures.

One of the major takeaways that hopefully you can come to after reading the following posts regarding Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution:

Day 74: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – Darwin.;

DAY 75: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – Erasmus And Charles Darwin.;

DAY 76: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – What Did Darwin Really Think?;

DAY 78: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Do All Scientists Agree?;

DAY 79: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Is The Science Really Settled?;

DAY 80: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, 12 More Questions. and;

DAY 81: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Can You Give Me That Number Again?

Is that Darwin believed that the universe was random.

So the question you have to ask yourself is…

Is the universe random?

What follows next are 30 pictures that I have found that all seem to have one thing in common:

1.618. The Golden Ratio, which is related to the Fibonacci Sequence.

After viewing these 30 pictures, ask yourself this question:

Is the universe really random as Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution would have you believe?

Decide for yourself:

Picture 1: Spiral Galaxies:

Picture 2: The continent of Africa:

Picture 3: Hurricanes:

Picture 4: Ocean Waves:

Picture 5: Octopus Tentacles:

Picture 6: Nautilus Shell:

Picture 7: Sea Horse Body And Tail:

Picture 8: Water Going Down A Drain:

Picture 9: Leaf:

Picture 10: Aloe Vera Plant:

Picture 11: Blue Begonia Flower:

Picture 12: Broccoli:

Picture 13: Cabbage Cross Section:

Picture 14: Cactus:

Picture 15: Cauliflower:

Picture 16: Dandelion:

Picture 17: Fern Frond:

Picture 18: Pine Cone:

Picture 19: Rose:

Picture 20: Sunflower:

Picture 21: Big Horn Sheep:

Picture 22: Butterfly:

Picture 23: Cat (Sleeping):

Picture 24: Centipede:

Picture 25: Chameleon Tail:

Picture 26: Chicken Egg:

Picture 27: Elephant Trunk:

Picture 28: Pigeon:

Picture 29: Snail:

Picture 30: Snake, (Coiled):

They say that a picture says a thousand words. If we are to believe that, then I would submit to you that there are 30,000 words helping you to understand whether or not the universe is random, or something else.

Still not convinced either way?

Is there more evidence that can be presented before making an informed conclusion?

Yes there is more evidence.

Where is this additional evidence?

That will be covered next time.

Do not feel discouraged if you cannot come to a conclusion in determining whether the universe is random or not. Do not feel discouraged if you cannot tell if the pictures presented make any sense, mathematical or otherwise, in helping you come to an informed decision. Instead, embrace the idea that as you collect this information, the decision of regarding the validity of the Theory of Evolution will eventually become clear, once and for all.

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? (Psalms 8:3-4 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 82: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

DAY 81: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Can You Give Me That Number Again?

The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics. (Galileo Galilei)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 80: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, 12 More Questions….

I would submit to you that if one was to use Darwin’s Theory of Evolution as the means to answer how the creation of the universe came to pass, that that answer may not be so simple. I would further submit to you that this simplicity in answering how the creation of the universe began in fact actually raises many questions that cannot be answered at all….

Is there a number that could help with determining whether or not Darwin’s Theory of Evolution can explain the creation of the universe?

There is.

In 1202 CE, a man named Leonardo Fibonacci wrote a book titled: “Liber Abaci”. What is interesting is the fact that there is historical evidence that Indian mathematicians were aware of what Fibonacci wrote over 700 years earlier. What makes Fibonacci and his “Liber Abaci” revolutionary, is the mathematical patterns that Fibonacci introduced to the Western world.

Did Darwin already know about what Fibonacci wrote about, over 600 years prior to writing: On The Origin Of Species in 1859?

If the answer to that is yes, then did Darwin actually apply what Fibonacci introduced to the Western world, on his own theory?

That is an answer that you must come to on your own…

In order for you to come to your own conclusions regarding the Theory of Evolution, you must know the 3 big takeaways from “Liber Abaci”:

1) After beginning with the numbers 0 and 1, each new number in the sequence is simply the sum of the two before it…all the way to infinity and beyond:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,  233, 377…

2) “The ratio of each successive pair of numbers in the sequence approximates Phi (1.618. . .)”:

5 divided by 3 is 1.666, 8 divided by 5 is 1.60, 13 divided by 8 is 1.625, etc., and finally an perhaps most importantly;

3) The larger the numbers get, the closer to 1.618 they get…

And then some.

It is a mathematical fact that when you get to the 40th number in the sequence, the ratio is accurate to 15 decimal places:

102,334,155 divided by 63,245,986 is:


All the way to infinity and beyond….

That is a long, long way from dividing 5 from 3.

If you are still lost as to the significance of the Fibonacci Sequence, perhaps a picture may help it to make more sense:

Does that shape look familiar to you?

Should it?

They say that a picture says a 1,000 words.

Are there picture out there that will prove that saying to be true?

Is there a connection between the Fibonacci Sequence…and 1.618033988749895 and…

You…and me…and humanity?

That will be covered next time.

Do not feel discouraged if you do not see a connection between the Fibonacci Sequence and the Theory of Evolution. Do not feel discouraged if the science and the math seem on the surface overwhelming as to helping you to understand the universe around you and where you fit in exactly. Instead, embrace the idea that once you have access to this information, that you will in fact be able to determine the validity of the Theory of Evolution once and for all.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 81: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Can You Give Me That Number Again?.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

DAY 80: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, 12 More Questions.

Science is not perfect. It’s often misused; it’s only a tool, but it’s the best tool we have. Self-correcting , ever changing, applicable to everything: with this tool, we vanquish the impossible. (Carl Sagan)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 79: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Is The Science Really Settled?….

I would submit to that there is a strong case to be made that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution conflicts with Newton’s Second Law of Thermodynamics. I would further submit to you that perhaps this fact alone would explain why the Second Law of Thermodynamics is a…law, while the Theory of Evolution…is still just a theory…

And has remained a theory for over 160 years and counting.

According to Merriam-Webster, there are 7 conditions that would qualify as to what the definition of science is: (

Of the seven, 3 stood out the most:

1) “knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method”;

2) “something (such as a sport or technique) that may be studied or learned like systematized knowledge” and;

3) “the state of knowing knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding”.

I would submit to you that in order for the Theory of Evolution to qualify under the definition of the term ‘science’, then the Theory of Evolution would have to qualify and be able to be ‘tested through scientific method’…’learned like systematized knowledge’…and helping someone to be able to distinguish between ‘knowledge…from ignorance or misunderstanding’.

How else would someone be able to justify the Theory of Evolution as science if it does not meet all of those conditions?

I began the process of helping us to determine if the Theory of Evolution qualifies as science in DAY 79: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Is The Science Really Settled? with 6 compelling questions that cannot be answered scientifically with this theory.

There are more questions that need to be asked.

How does a scientist, (or non-scientist), who supports the Theory of Evolution, prove scientifically, the following:

1) Which evolved first in any species: the digestive system, the food to be digested, the appetite, the ability to find and eat the food, the digestive juices, and the body’s resistance to its own digestive juice?

1A) How long did the above-mentioned that evolved first, work without the others?

2) Which evolved first in any species: the drive to reproduce or the ability to reproduce?

2A) How long did the above-mentioned that evolved first, work without the other?

3) Which evolved first in any species: the lungs, the mucus lining to protect them, the throat, or the perfect mixture of gases to be breathed into the lungs?

3A) How long did the above-mentioned that evolved first, work without the others?

4) Which evolved first, flowers or the insects that live on and pollinate the flowers?

4A) How long did the above-mentioned that evolved first, work without the other?

5) Which evolved first in any species: the bones, ligaments, tendons, blood supply, or muscles to move the bones?

5A) How long did the above-mentioned that evolved first, work without the others?

6) How did feelings evolve?

7) How did love evolve?

8) How did mercy evolve?

9) How did guilt evolve?

10) How did thought evolve?

11) How did photosynthesis evolve?

And finally, in the interest of both time and space here, question 12:

12) What evolved first in the human brain: the ability to take in the colors of objects, the objects themselves, the sounds, smells and the temperature around you, processing all of your past and present memories, thoughts and emotions…all the while keeping track of the basic functions of your body like breathing and eyelid movement and controlling your hunger pangs…while screening out the unimportant while simultaneously ranking in order of importance, so that you can focus and operate your life…all in real time?

How does the definition of science answer just one, let alone all 12, (in addition to the first 6 questions I asked in DAY 79: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Is The Science Really Settled?, in order for the Theory of Evolution to be considered accurate, dependable, and scientifically sound?

What if I told you that there is a number that could help us to determine once and for all whether or not the Theory of Evolution qualifies as science?

What is this number?

That will be covered next time.

Do not feel discouraged if your head is spinning trying to make sense of the 12 additional questions to consider when coming to a scientific conclusion regarding the Theory of Evolution. Do not feel discouraged if you still cannot come to a conclusion yourself as to whether or not the Theory of Evolution is reliable. Instead, embrace the idea that these questions are helping you to have a firm foundation to stand on when concluding whether the Theory of Evolution is science…or something else.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. (Genesis 1:3 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 80: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, 12 More Questions.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

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DAY 79: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Is The Science Really Settled?

I never gave up Christianity until I was forty years of age. (Charles Darwin)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 78: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Do All Scientists Agree?….

I would submit to that if someone was going to question the Theory of Evolution, it would make scientific sense that is would be a fellow scientist. However, if it was the science itself doing that questioning, would that then make even more scientific sense than just a fellow scientist…

Or scientists.

As previously covered in: DAY 78: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Do All Scientists Agree?, there have been at least 9 scientists, (including Issac Newton, who pre-dates Charles Darwin by over 100 years), who all have questioned the Theory of Evolution at one point or another.

Is it possible for all 9 of these scientists to be wrong simply because the science itself is right?

That would be a game changer…wouldn’t it?

Perhaps the most intriguing item that a scientist, (or non-scientist), must consider when defending the Theory of Evolution, is the apparent conflict between it and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.


Even if you do not remember much from your physics class, (or you were blessed to not even have to take a physics class during your academic career like me), you should still be familiar with at least:

The Second Law of Thermodynamics. 

To keep it simple, the Second Law of Thermodynamics is the total amount of energy in a physical system that always decreases over time.

Or another way of looking at it is this…according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the total amount of energy never increases over time…


Consider a thing…literally…anything…

A car for example.

Under the Second Law of Thermodynamics, once the gasoline has been used up by that car, that car will eventually…


According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, it appears that the car is actually devolving in its ability to run, not evolving, once the gasoline has been used up.

Two more examples regarding the Second Law of Thermodynamics:

1) Once you remove heat from an object…that object will eventually cool off.

2) Once you drop a ball from the highest building ever created by humans…that ball will eventually stop bouncing.

How can a scientist, (or non-scientist), scientifically explain the apparent conflict between the Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Theory of Evolution?

I understand what some of you are thinking right now. The idea of digging deeper into more laws…and more theories…regarding physics…or some other branch or branches of science…to determine if the science is settled regarding the Theory of Evolution is not exactly worth investing anymore time or energy or brainpower on.

I could not agree with you more.

So, for the rest of the way, just consider the following topics and ask yourself the same question every time:

How does a scientist, (or non-scientist), who supports the Theory of Evolution, use science, to answer the following 6 questions:

1) where the Law of Gravity comes from?

2) where does the Law of Inertia come from?

3) where did the original energy in the universe come from to organize everything in the universe?

4) what did the first cell capable of sexual reproduction reproduce?

5) why would a plant or animal want to reproduce when creating more mathematically decreases the chances of its survival?

6) how does a mutation to the genetic code of a species create a new and improved variety?

Is that it?

Are there only 6 questions to ask regarding whether or not the science is in fact settled regarding the Theory of Evolution?

I would submit to you that there is more.

How much more?

That will be covered next time.

Do not feel discouraged if your head is spinning trying to make sense of the questions to consider regarding the potential scientific issues with the Theory of Evolution. Do not feel discouraged if you still cannot come to a conclusion yourself as to whether or not the Theory of Evolution is reliable. Instead, embrace the idea that these questions need to be asked and in fact many more, so that you can come to your own scientific conclusion as to whether or not the science is settled regarding the Theory of Evolution.

These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, (Genesis 2:4 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 79: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Is The Science Really Settled?.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

DAY 78: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Do All Scientists Agree?

The question of whether there exists a Creator and Ruler of the Universe has been answered in the affirmative by some of the highest intellects that have ever existed. (Charles Darwin)

Thinking about the musings from Day 77: Rest…Relax…Reflect.….

I would submit to that if one was going to question the science, one would have to question the Theory of Evolution. While Freud may have revolutionized modern psychology and Einstein may have revolutionized physics, there is a strong case to be made that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution revolutionized the scientific field of biology…

Just not in the way you might think it did.

Although Darwin himself had at least 9 problems with his Theory of Evolution, which were already covered in DAY 76: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – What Did Darwin Really Think?, it is possible to overlook these problems. One could argue that because Darwin had no formal scientific experience himself, his 9 problems with his Theory of Evolution can be ignored…

So, can they be ignored?

Can the science legitimize the Theory of Evolution?

In order to make sense of the Theory of Evolution, there should be an overwhelming consensus among scientists that would agree that the Theory of Evolution makes perfect, scientific sense.

The problem is, that consensus is not out there.

Consider the following:

“The spiritual worldview provides another way of finding truth. Scientists who deny this would be well advised to consider the limits of their own tools.” Dr. Francis S. Collins, geneticist; director, National Institutes of Health.

“We have not the slightest chance of a chemical evolutionary origin for even the simplest of cells.” Dr. Dean H. Kenyon. Professor emeritus of biology, San Francisco State University.

“Darwinism is a trivial idea that has been elevated to the status of the scientific theory that governs modern biology.” Dr. Michael Egnor, professor of neurosurgery and pediatrics, State University of New York, Stony Brook.

“The probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the probability of the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop.” Dr. Edwin Conklin, evolutionist; professor of biology, Princeton University.

“I am convinced…that Darwinism, in whatever form, is not in fact a scientific theory, but a pseudo-metaphysical hypothesis decked out in scientific garb. In reality the theory derives its support not from empirical data or logical deductions of a scientific kind but from the circumstance that it happens to be the only doctrine of biological origins that can be conceived with the constricted worldview to which a majority of scientists no doubt subscribe.” Dr. Wolfgang Smith, re-entry physicist; former professor of mathematics, MIT and UCLA.

“Modern science is already, in a very serious sense, Christian. It germinated in and was nurtured by the Christian philosophy of creation, it was developed and established through the work of largely Christian pioneers, and it continues to draw Christians to its endeavours today.” Dr. Ian Hutchinson, professor of nuclear engineering, MIT; fellow, the American Physical Society and the Institute of Physics.

“As a scientist you grow to assume that science will answer everything and that religion is fictional. There are mysteries that science cannot explain…and divine inspiration may be a rational explanation.” Dr. Andrew Parker, biologist, Oxford University.

“To me, belief in a final cause, a Creator-God, gives a coherent understanding of why the universe seems so congenially designed for the existence of intelligent, self-reflective life.” Dr. Owen Gingerich, emeritus astronomer, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

Ironically, there is one scientist who pre-dates Charles Darwin by over 100 years, questioning the Theory of Evolution before the On the Origin of Species, was even printed:

The seventeenth-century scientist Sir Isaac Newton had a marvelous replica of the solar system sitting on his table in his laboratory. In the center of the device was a model of the sun, and spinning around it on thin metal rods were eight small globes representing all the known planets. The model was fitted with belts and pulleys so that the slightest touch would set the mechanism in motion. 

And it moved perfectly, just like the solar system. 

One day a colleague who did not believe the Bible’s account of creation stopped by Newton’s laboratory for a visit. When he spotted the model sitting there on a large table, he walked over for a closer look. He reached out and touched the metal rods and, like clockwork, the tiny planets began to move in well-oiled precision.

The visitor was delighted.  “What a magnificent machine!” he exclaimed. “My dear Newton, you must tell me: who made this amazing contraption for you?”

Newton paused for a moment, then smiled and said, “Nobody.”

“What?” the visitor exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief. 

“Nobody, you say?  How can that be?”

“Yes, that’s right,” Newton insisted.

“The balls and belts and pulleys you see here came together entirely by accident, and by some unknown miracle they move along in perfect orbit just as you see them now.”

At that point, the skeptic realized what Newton was saying. 

How foolish to think that a detailed model of the solar system could come together by accident. 

But how much more foolish to think that the earth, moon, and stars and all of God’s creation, could come into existence by mere chance. 

“Nothing comes from nothing.”

Is there a case that the following leaders in their scientific fields: Collins, Kenyon, Egnor, Conklin, Smith, Hutchinson, Parker, Gingerich…and Newton, can all be wrong regarding their hesitations with the Theory of Evolution?

Can science itself prove the Theory of Evolution to be true?

That will be covered next time.

Do not feel discouraged if you don’t know whether these scientists have convinced you whether the Theory of Evolution is scientific fact. Do not feel discouraged if you still cannot come to a conclusion yourself as to whether or not the Theory of Evolution is reliable. Instead, embrace the idea that you are still gathering knowledge that is available to all to help you come to a reasonable and reliable conclusion regarding whether or not the Theory of Evolution is valid…or not.

12 It is I who made the earth and created mankind on it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts.” (Isaiah 45:12 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 78: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Do All Scientists Agree?.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

Day 77: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit. (Bansky)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 76: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Did Darwin Really Think?.

I would submit to you that it is important to take some rest. 

Just like the 11th week winding down at school, week 11 is winding down here.  I end with the quote: “I will give you Sunday’s off, it’s a God thing….”

The more I think about it, I don’t really know if it is really just a ‘God thing’. I mean, don’t animals, insects, birds, plants, the rest of Mother Nature and even Atheists, believe in the importance of rest? Whether they think it’s a ‘God thing’ or not, rest is necessary for all of us on this Earth, to restore, and to rejuvenate, our hearts, minds, bodies and souls. I think, most importantly, because Monday’s can be brutal, on a good Monday….

Bottom line no matter where you stand on the issue of God…get some rest.

Spend some time if you want to do some reviewing, reflecting, and/or meditating, on the week that has just ended. To be mindful perhaps of the from last week:

Day 71: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – Freud. – The first of 3 individuals and their impact on humanity at the end of the 1800’s begins with Sigmund Freud. His claims regarding the Id, Ego and Super Ego, revolutionized modern psychology;

Day 72: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – Einstein And The Theory Of Relativity. – Without question, Albert Einstein and his discoveries revolutionized the scientific field of physics. The question that needs to be answered is would E = mc2 change the way we view Newtonian Physics?;

Day 73: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – Einstein Vs. Newton. – As the years 1905 to 1915 came and went, the discoveries of Einstein and his Theory of Relativity are published. At the end of the day, is there really a difference between being ‘wrong’ vs. ‘not accurate for our purposes in today’s world’?;

Day 74: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – Darwin. – In 1859, Charles Darwin writes On the Origin of Species, which will ultimately make the Theory of Evolution mainstream in scientific lecture halls in the 20th century. Before one considers this theory to be fact, one must consider the life of Charles Darwin first;

DAY 75: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – Erasmus And Charles Darwin. – There is a strong case to be made the Charles Darwin could have never have popularized the Theory of Evolution without the influence of his grandfather. Is it really possible that two generations of Darwins were correct in claiming that all life came from a ‘warm little pond’?;

DAY 76: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Did Darwin Really Think? – While there is much information out there regarding issues with the Theory of Evolution, it would be best to focus on what the original source of this theory thought. Charles Darwin himself found at least 9 issues with the Theory of Evolution.

Are you ready to get some rest?

Do not feel discouraged if you don’t know how to rest. Do not feel discouraged if you power down your mind and body that wishes to forge ahead, so many things to do, so little time. Instead, embrace the idea that rest is rejuvenating. Embrace the idea that rest restores and recharges.  10-15 minutes. Do nothing regarding the upcoming workweek…for 10-15 minutes.  Then, 7 days later, extent your rest time out 5 minutes.  Deep breathing exercises. Simple yoga poses. Watching cute little puppies on your social media feed. All unrelated to work and your job(s). Something, some things, to clear your mind.     

10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. (Hebrews 4:10 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading Day 77: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

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DAY 76: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – What Did Darwin Really Think?

The great CREATOR of all things has infinitely diversified the works of his hands, but has at the same time stamped a certain similitude on the features of nature, that demonstrates to us, that the whole is one family of one parent. (Erasmus Darwin)

Thinking about the musings from Day 75: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – Part 2,….

I would submit to you that the Theory of Evolution brought forth by Charles Darwin does not exist without the influence of his grandfather Erasmus Darwin. I would further submit to you that if there is no Erasmus Darwin, the Theory of Evolution would still have ultimately been brought forth by someone other than Charles Darwin.

At the end of the day, I could present to you a book review of the 502 pages found in On the Origin of Species written by Charles Darwin in 1859. I could pull perhaps dozens, (or more), of scientists and other thinkers…provide perhaps dozens, (or more), of facts, (and/or opinions), these individuals have opined…with perhaps dozens, (or more), of footnotes, books, articles, journals, and other writings, since 1859, regarding this book written by Charles Darwin.

The issue with that approach however will be counter-productive for three reasons:

1) It would take up much more space here than I originally intended;

2) A book review of his book outlining the Theory of Evolution has already been written and perhaps most importantly…

3) Would you honestly read all of that?

So, for the sake of space, time, and getting to deep into the weeds, I will try to keep it simple for another reason:

Since Charles Darwin has already critiqued On the Origin of Species, he is the most reliable source regarding his book outlining the Theory of Evolution.

As I previously mentioned in: Day 75: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – Part 2, Charles wrote the following in a letter to his friend Joseph Hooker in 1871:

“But if we could conceive in some warm little pond with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts, – light, heat, electricity & present, that a protein compound was chemically formed, ready to undergo still more complex changes, at the present day such matter would be instantly devoured, or absorbed, which would not have been the case before living creatures were formed.”

On the surface, perhaps there may be a case to be made for this theory.

Consider the following:

Darwin is laying the case for evolution by claiming that organisms inherit select behavioral and/or physical traits, over generations. Darwin claimed that the population of these organisms already were varied, as he claimed to have noticed with the beak shapes in finches found on the Galapagos Islands.

Following the premise of his theory, these organisms with these varied traits would allow them to adapt to their environment, so that when it is time to reproduce, their offspring will inherit these adaptive traits. For those organisms who do not have the traits needed to adapt to their environment, their survival rate will be lower and those those organisms will not pass them on.

Therefore, over generations, survivable traits will reproduce to the point that the population of this organism will change, will evolve, over time.

It is this evolution that Darwin suggested, that would justify how a “warm little pond” could in theory be the epicenter for a common ancestor, as it produced “more complex changes”, eventually producing the genetically diverse species that you see on planet Earth today….

There is just one problem with the Theory of Evolution…Or more specifically, at least 9, that Charles Darwin came up with himself regarding his own Theory of Evolution brought forth in his book, On the Origin of Species, in 1859:

1) Such simple instincts as bees making a beehive could be sufficient to overthrow my whole theory.

2) It is impossible to conceive of this immense and wonderful universe as the result of blind chance or necessity.

3) Not one change of species into another is on record … we cannot prove that a single species has been changed.

4) The fact of evolution is the backbone of biology, and biology is thus in the peculiar position of being a science founded on an improved theory, is it then a science or faith?

5) Everything in nature is the result of fixed laws.

6) From my early youth I have had the strongest desire to understand or explain whatever I observed. … To group all facts under some general laws.

7) Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.

8) Light may be shed on man and his origins.

9) On the ordinary view of each species having been independently created, we gain no scientific explanation.

So, if Charles Darwin found at least 9 issues with his Theory of Evolution, a theory that he spent 502 pages writing about, is that the end of the issues regarding this theory?

Considering that Charles Darwin had no, formal scientific experience, there is a case to be made that his claims are nothing more than 9 opinions that he had questioning his Theory of Evolution.

So what about the science and the Theory of Evolution?

That will be covered after some rest.

Do not feel discouraged if you are still having an internal struggle with the validity of the Theory of Evolution. Do not feel discouraged if you cannot understand the issues Charles Darwin brought up himself regarding the Theory of Evolution. Instead, focus on the fact that as you continue to learn more about Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution, realize the peace that will come once you do come to a more thoughtful, and scientific, conclusion regarding the Theory of Evolution and how it ultimately relates to your eternal salvation.

12 It is I who made the earth and created mankind on it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts.” (Isaiah 45:12 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading Day 76: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – (What Did Darwin Really Think?).

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

DAY 75: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – Erasmus And Charles Darwin.

Some call it evolution, And others call it God. (Charles Darwin) 

Thinking about the musings from Day 74: The Scientific Revolution, Part 3,….

I would submit to you that while on the surface, the ideas brought forth by Charles Darwin appear to have merit, there is quite a strong case that these ideas are in fact quite meritless. I would further submit to you that after gaining the proper historical context regarding how the Theory of Evolution actually came to pass, you will come to a more enlightened conclusion as to the validity of this scientific theory and the science behind it.

And the key here is…scientific theory.

While it may be historical fact that Charles Darwin laid out the case for the Theory of Evolution in his book: On The Origin of Species, the fact of the matter is this:

Are his claims, which are accepted to be the foundations for the scientific branch of evolutionary biology, true?

Perhaps if we were to dig a little deeper into the history of evolution, we can come to a more scientific conclusion as to the validity of the Theory of Evolution….

To assume that Charles Darwin was the first to elaborate on the idea of an evolutionary universe would be wrong indeed. In fact, historically speaking, one can actually trace the Theory of Evolution back to the ancient Greeks in the 4th century BC. It was at this time where Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were building the foundations for the golden era of philosophy in the Western world.

Although there may be no direct evidence of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle commenting on how the universe came to be, there was one philosopher during this time period who did.

There is a case to be made that it was the Greek philosopher Anaximander who claimed that all life on Earth came from non-life. Ultimately, coming with this claim the idea of humans making evolutionary progress from animals.

A bold claim indeed.

While I could spend some time and space here going through the historical chronology of all of those who have made evolutionary claims regarding humans and their time on Earth, I would submit to you that it would be a better use of our time to move directly to the Age of the Enlightenment, and more specifically, the grandfather of Charles Darwin…

Erasums Darwin.  

Erasmus Darwin, 1731-1802, was known throughout England, not only as a brilliant and multi-talented physician, whose influence extended into the realms of philosophy, physiology, and poetry, and was also an inventor and an abolitionist. In fact, Erasmus Darwin was a key figure in the early Enlightenment era, whose epicenter was in Birmingham, England, during the second half of the 18th century.   

Ironically, it was not the scientific genius of Erasmus Darwin that would ignite the Theory of Evolution embers in his grandson Charles over 60 years after his death, but rather…

It was his poetry, along with his views on Christianity.

Erasmus Darwin was an ardent Deist, one who has a religious belief that God did in fact create the universe and its moral and natural laws. However, a Deist also believes that God, after creating the universe, no longer intervened in human affairs, and thus, humanity is left to operate and navigate their lives on Earth within the confines of the moral and natural laws brought forth by God in the creation of the universe.

In other words, a Deist is one who rejects traditional, Christian ideas.

It is this background which may help one to explain why Erasmus Darwin became a political radical, who always said what he believed in, no matter who he may offend.

Erasmus Darwin, and his idea of what today can be considered the theory of evolution, can be seen in a string of his following poetic writings: The Loves of the Plants, (1789), Zoonomia, or, The Laws of Organic Life, (1794-1796), and The Temple of Nature, (1803).

All writings that Charles was well aware of growing up.

In fact, there is a strong case to be made that it was The Temple of Nature, that had the most influence on a young Charles, as Erasmus wrote about how all life originated from the sea, and therefore, all life must have evolved from a common ancestor from the sea.

You can see the influence that Erasmus Darwin had on his grandson regarding the Theory of Evolution in a letter Charles wrote to his friend Joseph Hooker in 1871:

“But if we could conceive in some warm little pond with all sorts of ammonia and phosphoric salts, – light, heat, electricity & present, that a protein compound was chemically formed, ready to undergo still more complex changes, at the present day such matter would be instantly devoured, or absorbed, which would not have been the case before living creatures were formed.”

So…are Erasmus and Darwin correct in assuming that humans, and all other life for that matter, ultimately came from a ‘warm little pond’?

Is Erasmus and other Deist thinkers of the day, correct then in assuming the God is no longer involved in the day to day operations here on Earth, and the universe for that matter, after he created all of it?

Before coming to a conclusion, we must review some of the potential issues with the Theory of Evolution…

Which will be covered next time.

Do not feel discouraged if you are still trying to wrap your head about the writings of both Erasmus and Charles Darwin regarding the Theory of Evolution. Do not feel discouraged if you are still trying to understand the possible links between how Deism and the Enlightenment come into play regarding the writings of Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution. Instead, embrace the idea that as you learn more about both these individuals and their ideas, the more sense it will all make in the end in helping you to come to a more confident conclusion regarding the Theory of Evolution. 

12 It is I who made the earth and created mankind on it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts. (Isaiah 45:12 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading Day 75: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – Part 2.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

Day 74: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – Darwin.

The more one thinks, the more one feels the hopeless immensity of man’s ignorance. (Charles Darwin)

Thinking about the musings from Day 73: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – (Conclusion).

I would submit to you that while there should be little doubt as to the impact on humanity regarding Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, one must also understand the unintended consequence of E = mc2. I would further submit to you that once you understand the significance of the unintended consequence of E = mc2, you may never look at the field of science the same way again.

One of humanities most intriguing questions must be the following:

How long have humans been on Earth?

A couple of centuries ago, a man named Charles Darwin tried to answer that question…

Charles Darwin…England…1809-1882. 

In the scientific field of biology, there is a case to be made that Charles Darwin has no equal.

Darwin is known as the father of the theory of evolution. 

In Darwin’s 1859 book, On the Origin of Species, he explains the theory of evolution by natural selection. Ultimately, Darwin believed that all of life on earth had descended from a common ancestor.

In order to understand a little bit as to how Charles Darwin came to these conclusions, one must understand the life of Charles Darwin.

Charles Darwin was described as an ordinary child who showed little promise growing up, a disappointment by his father, a renowned surgeon in England, Dr. Robert Darwin. Charles was the 5th of 6 children who was spoiled by both his 4 elder siblings and his mother Susannah Wedgwood. Susannah’s father was Josiah Wedgwood, the creator of the pottery mold in England.

Charles Darwin’s mother died when he was 8. If this event was not traumatic enough for young Charles, his father was so distraught by his wife’s death, that he became a recluse and spent the rest of his life behind closed doors, obsessed by his work in the field of medicine. 

While at the same time, Dr. Robert Darwin insisted that all of his children were never to mention her again in his presence. 

Consider how the passing of his mother must have affected Charles for the rest of his life….

Expected to follow in his father’s footsteps, Charles enrolled at Edinburgh University at age 16 to become a surgeon.  There were just two issues that Charles had while attending medical school:

1) He passed out at the sight of blood and;

2) He became violently ill after watching operations in the school’s surgical theater. 

After dropping out of medical school, his father then enrolled Charles at Christ College at Cambridge University. Despite being an average student at best and skipping lectures on a consistent basis, Charles still managed to earn…

A theology degree.

After returning home, Charles engaged in a life of entertaining, enjoying ample amounts of food and wine, and hunting with his dogs on his countryside estate. These activities were slowly chipping away at the vast fortune accumulated by his grandfather on his mothers’ side, Josiah Wedgewood.

It was at this time that he received a knock on his door from the Reverend Professor John Henslow. 

Henslow recommended to Charles that he spend time aboard the HMS Beagle, a ship bound for the coastline of South America. Reverend Henslow convinced Charles to catalog information regarding the climate and biology of the region.

After choosing to board the HMS Beagle, upon leaving the family estate, the last thing that Dr. Robert Darwin said to his son was:

‘You care for nothing but shooting, dogs, and rat-catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family’….

And the rest they say, is history.

After spending 5 years on the boat after hearing his father say while walking out the door, ‘the journal of the hunting, exploring and collecting experiences that he accumulated while away, ultimately became the blueprint for…

The Theory of Evolution. 

Do not feel discouraged if you are still trying to wrap your head about the Scientific Revolution, Part 2 and how it relates to the Holy Bible. Do not feel discouraged if you are still trying to understand the possible links between Freud and Einstein and the Holy Bible.  Instead, embrace the idea that as you learn more about these individuals, embrace the idea that as you gain more context and background knowledge regarding their impact in the realm of science, that it all will eventually come full circle regarding the Holy Bible. 

Another blow to the idea that humans were rational being that were in charge of their lives.

4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” (Daniel 12:4 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading Day 74: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

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