Day 93: It Is As Easy As…The Flip Of A Switch.

God’s existence cannot be deduced by reason alone. (William of Ockham).

Thinking about the musings from DAY 92: How Sharp Was…And Is…Ockham’s Razor?

I would submit to you that for those who are not aware of Ockham’s Razor, they are living their lives at a disadvantage. I would further submit to you that once you understand Ockham’s Razor, you will understand much more of the world around you…

And the universe as well.

William of Ockham said many things, and most of the time, they always came to a similar conclusion:

“No more things should be presumed to exist than are absolutely necessary.”

“When you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better.” and,

“Simpler explanations are, other things being equal, generally better than more complex ones.”

Among others.

I would submit to you that the biggest take away from the discoveries and teachings of William of Ockham is to not over complicate things.

Now, let’s get back to the scientific field of astronomy and the Holy Bible.

After doing some research, I have found over 120 bible verses that quite simply explain the comings and goings in our universe. Over 120 bible verses that can help us to explain and understand the scientific field of astronomy.

For example, take Genesis 1:3:

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. (Genesis 1:3 KJV)

According to an article titled:

“Science Uncovers The Origin Of The First Light In The Universe.”

That can be found here:

Among other things, the article makes plenty of scientific claims, all relating to the field of astronomy, that appear to explain how the universe began:

“After centuries of investigating the origins of the Universe, science has finally uncovered what physically happened to “let there be light” in space.”

The article makes fantastic claims, all beginning with 2 scientists back in 1965, “trying to calibrate a new antenna”. For example:

“…we measured this radiation to greater and greater precision, finding that it was not at merely three degrees above absolute zero, but 2.7 K, and then 2.73 K, and then 2.725 K…”

“we measured its spectrum and found it was a perfect blackbody…”

“we’ve even measured — from the absorption and interaction of this light with intervening clouds of gas…”

“these quanta of light could interact with one another, spontaneously producing particle-antiparticle pairs of matter and antimatter…”

“there were some 1089 particle-antiparticle pairs at that time…”

“cosmic inflation, or a period where the energy in the Universe wasn’t dominated by matter (or antimatter) or radiation, but rather by energy inherent to space itself, or an early, super-intense form of dark energy…”

“it created the seed fluctuations for overdensities and underdensities in our Universe today…”

Now, go back to Genesis 1:3:

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. (Genesis 1:3 KJV)

Now, let’s apply Ockham’s Razor to help us understand potentially how the universe began.

Suppose you were in a room that was completely dark. Reaching towards a wall, you feel a light switch in the off position. You flip that switch from the off position…to on.

What happens next?

The room lights up and now you can see everything that is in it.

On the surface, it sounds pretty simple and yet non eventful, however, consider the potential, larger ramifications of turning that light switch on within the context of reading Genesis 1:3.

Why would it be so impossible to think that someone greater than you and I, was able to turn the light of the universe on…with a really, REALLY big, light switch?

See how applying Ockham’s Razor to the Holy Bible can help you to understand the universe?

Still not convinced that applying Ockham’s Razor to the Holy Bible can help you to understand the scientific field of astronomy?

Is it possible to apply Ockham’s Razor to more verses from the Holy Bible to help us to better understand the scientific field of astronomy?

I will address that next time…

Do not feel discouraged if you do not see a connection with Genesis 1:3 and Ockham’s Razor. Do not feel discouraged if you still cannot see how Ockham’s Razor can be applied to the scientific field of astronomy. Instead, understand that after reading Genesis 1:3 along with using and applying Ockham’s Razor, you are continuing the journey to help you to not only better understand the universe, but your place in it.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. (Genesis 1:3 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading Day 93: It Is As Easy As…The Flip Of A Switch.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

Day 92: How Sharp Was…And Is…Ockham’s Razor?

It is vain to do with more what can be done with less. (William of Ockham)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 91: Rest…Relax…Reflect

I would submit to you that the wonders contained in the scientific field of astronomy are nothing new. I would further submit to you that while the technological advancements in the realm of astronomy may assist humanity in learning more about the universe in the present, the wonders of the universe have already been discovered in the Holy Bible for thousands of years.

In my post: DAY 90: Does Anyone Know What Astronomy Is?, I presented perhaps one of the most well-known bible verses of all-time:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1 KJV).

I would submit to you that there is an obvious case to be made that the definition of astronomy:

The study of objects and matter outside the earth’s atmosphere…

Is clearly evident in Genesis 1:1.

It is however, possible that you or someone you know, may not easily see the simplicity between Genesis 1:1 and the definition of astronomy.

This is where William of Ockham comes in.

To get a good idea as to the historical impact of William of Ockham, one must look no further than the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

“William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347) is, along with Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus, among the most prominent figures in the history of philosophy during the High Middle Ages. He is probably best known today for his espousal of metaphysical nominalism; indeed, the methodological principle known as “Ockham’s Razor” is named after him. But Ockham held important, often influential views not only in metaphysics but also in all other major areas of medieval philosophy—logic, physics or natural philosophy, theory of knowledge, ethics, and political philosophy—as well as in theology.”

I would submit to you that on the surface, it may appear that you may not be familiar with William of Ockham. However, I would further submit to you that if I just pull out 2 words out of the almost 100 words that I presented from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy regarding William of Ockham, you most likely have applied his philosophy multiple times in your own lifetime:

Ockham’s Razor.

What exactly is Ockham’s Razor? Consider these 9 quotes attributed to William of Ockham over his lifetime, and then consider the simplicity, and pure genius, of Ockham’s Razor as a whole:

1) “The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct.”

2) “With all things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the right one.”

3) “No more things should be presumed to exist than are absolutely necessary.”

4) “When you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better.”

5) “Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.”

6) “Simpler explanations are, other things being equal, generally better than more complex ones.”

7) “What can be explained by the assumption of fewer things is vainly explained by the assumption of more things.”

8) “Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity.”

9) “Whenever two hypotheses cover the facts, use the simpler of the two.”

Not convinced of both the simplicity and genius of Ockham’s Razor? Consider the following from Albert Einstein’s:

“Everything Should Be Made as Simple as Possible, But Not Simpler.”

Now, after reviewing the 9 quotes from William of Ockham and the 1 quote from Albert Einstein, read Genesis 1:1 again:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1 KJV).

From an astronomical perspective, I guess a question to ask is this:

Which came first, William of Ockham’s philosophy known today as Ockham’s Razor, or Genesis 1:1?

The answer to that question is:

According to most biblical scholars, Genesis 1:1, was written by Moses, over a period of 40 years, from approximately (1450 – 1410 B.C.).

William of Ockham was born almost 2,700 years after the Genesis 1:1 verse was written.

Next question:

When trying to understand the scientific question in the field of astronomy as to how the universe began, what makes more sense, the left half or the right half of this visual?

If you believe that the right side of the picture makes more sense, aren’t you applying Ockham’s Razor to come to your conclusion?

Is it possible to apply Ockham’s Razor to more biblical verses regarding the scientific field of astronomy?

I will address that next time…

Do not feel discouraged if you do not see a connection with Genesis 1:1 and Ockham’s Razor. Do not feel discouraged if you still do not see how Ockham’s Razor can be applied to the scientific field of astronomy. Instead, understand that after reading Genesis 1:1 along with Ockham’s Razor, you are one step closer to discovering that science, at least astronomy for now, may not be as complicated as we think.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:3 KJV).

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 92: How Sharp Was…And Is…Ockham’s Razor?

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

Day 91: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither. (Alan Cohen)

Thinking about the musings from Day 90: Does Anyone Know What Astronomy Is?...

I would submit to you that it is important to take some rest. 

Just like the 13th week winding down at school, week 13 is winding down here.  I end with the quote: “I will give you Sunday’s off, it’s a God thing….”

The more I think about it, I don’t really know if it is really just a ‘God thing’. I mean, don’t animals, insects, birds, plants, the rest of Mother Nature and even Atheists, believe in the importance of rest? Whether they think it’s a ‘God thing’ or not, rest is necessary for all of us on this Earth, to restore, and to rejuvenate, our hearts, minds, bodies and souls. I think, most importantly, because Monday’s can be brutal, on a good Monday….

Bottom line no matter where you stand on the issue of God…get some rest.

Spend some time if you want to do some reviewing, reflecting, and/or meditating, on the week that has just ended. To be mindful perhaps of the from last week:

DAY 85: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – E = mc2 +/- 1. – There are at least 5 documented instances of where humans were able to manipulate the speed of light. These discoveries in the 1990’s, 2011, 2015 and 2016, have put Einstein’s theory of relativity and force into question;

DAY 86: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link? – One of the flaws with Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is the absence of the ‘missing link’ between apes and humans. In fact, there is a strong case to be made that based off of logic and science, there never was a ‘missing link’ in the first place;

DAY 87: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link? – Conclusion. – From ‘Java Man’ to ‘handy man’, here are 7 examples throughout history to where the ‘missing link’ eventually falls short. Once science is applied to all of these examples, the ‘missing link’ remains…missing;

DAY 88: Science…Fact Or Fiction? – After reviewing the scientific inconsistencies discovered by humans in the field of astronomy and biology from previous posts, it begs the question: is there anywhere where science is in fact consistent? There is a strong case that needs to be presented showing that the Holy Bible does in fact provide scientific consistency for both biology and astronomy, and 6 other branches of science as well;

Day 89: The Science…Can It Be Settled…Once And For All? – Historically speaking, the Holy Bible has been known as a collection of religious texts and scriptures, an anthology, that contains instructions, stories, poetry, and prophecies respected and considered sacred by followers of Judaism and Christianity as well as many other religions. With an estimated 5 to 7 billion copies sold over a 1500 year period, the Holy Bible also contains scientific certainties covering 8 branches of science…if you know where to look;

Day 90: Does Anyone Know What Astronomy Is? – The first branch of science to be covered that is contained in the Holy Bible is astronomy. One must read no further than Genesis 1:1 to see the definition of astronomy.

Are you ready to get some rest?

Do not feel discouraged if you don’t know how to rest. Do not feel discouraged if you power down your mind and body that wishes to forge ahead, so many things to do, so little time. Instead, embrace the idea that rest is rejuvenating. Embrace the idea that rest restores and recharges.  10-15 minutes. Do nothing regarding the upcoming workweek…for 10-15 minutes.  Then, 7 days later, extent your rest time out 5 minutes.  Deep breathing exercises. Simple yoga poses. Watching cute little puppies on your social media feed. All unrelated to work and your job(s). Something, some things, to clear your mind.     

32 And they departed into a desert place by ship privately. (Mark 6:32 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading Day 91: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

Day 90: Does Anyone Know What Astronomy Is?

Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another. (Plato)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 89: The Science…Can It Be Settled…Once And For All?

I would submit to you that the science is settled in 8 branches of science. I would further submit to you that these 8 branches of science have been settled for thousands of years.

The question that you have to ask yourself is…

Where can you find this evidence of the science being settled?

The answer is simple:

The Holy Bible.

I would submit to you that the first branch, (of 8 that will eventually be covered), of science that has been settled for thousands of years is…


However, before I start presenting connection between the Holy Bible and the field of science known as astronomy, I first need to explain why I am writing about all of this stuff in the first place….

I guess part of the reason for putting this blog together was in part, or lack thereof, of the events surrounding my trip to Wisconsin back when I was in college.

The ultimate goal of that trip I suppose was two-fold:

1) I was hoping to get away, literally, from life as I knew it on planet Earth, and;

2) I was wanting to know with absolute certainty if we were, or were not, alone in the universe.

At the time, I never found the answer….

I would submit to you that decades later, I have found the answer.

Here is what I have found out since my trip to Wisconsin so many years ago….

The definition of astronomy is as follows:

The study of objects and matter outside the earth’s atmosphere.

Actually, the definition doesn’t have to be found after going on a trip to Wisconsin to search the starts, or having to spend countless hours contemplating what the definition of astronomy is.

All you have to do is go on the internet and type in:

Define astronomy.

Once you understand the definition of astronomy, consider the first verse from the book of Genesis, which is the first book contained in the Holy Bible:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1 KJV).

I would submit to you that the definition of astronomy is clearly evident in Genesis 1:1.

Still don’t see the connection between astronomy and the Holy Bible?

Consider William of Ockham first before reading Genesis 1:1 again.

How can you read Genesis 1:1 again if you do not know who is William of Ockham is?

Good point.

And, more importantly, how can William of Ockham help us to understand the relationship between the field of science known as astronomy and the Holy Bible?

Perhaps, even a better good point.

That will be covered after some rest.

Do not feel discouraged if you do not see a connection with Genesis 1:1 and how it relates to astronomy. Do not feel discouraged if you still are not convinced that there is a connection or relationship between science and the Holy Bible. Instead, understand that after reading Genesis 1:1, you are one step closer to discovering that the science, at least astronomy for now, will be settled in due time.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1 KJV).

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 90: Does Anyone Know What Astronomy Is?

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

Day 89: The Science…Can It Be Settled…Once And For All?

Science and religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand. (Dan Brown)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 88: Science…Fact Or Fiction?

I would submit to you that there is ample evidence of inconsistency with science. I would further submit to you that there is also ample evidence of consistency with science.

The trick is, knowing where to look….

Historically speaking, the Holy Bible has been known as many things:

The Holy Bible is a collection of religious texts and scriptures…

The Holy Bible is an anthology…

The Holy Bible also contains instructions, stories, poetry, and prophecies respected and considered sacred by followers of Judaism and Christianity as well as many other religions.

I would submit to you that the main reason why the Holy Bible is to be considered the most accepted and most respected book in history is because it is the number one book printed in the history of humanity.

At 5 billion books sold.

And when you factor in that there has been no single, consistent standardized method of tracking Holy Bibles globally over a 1500 year period, that number balloons to perhaps 7 billion Holy Bibles sold over that same period.

I would submit to you that in order to fully grasp the global and historical impact that the Holy Bible has had on humanity, one must consider some of these facts that can be found here:

On average there are 100 million bibles printed each year.

The number of bibles sold on average has more than doubled in the US since 1950 with:

20 million bibles sold each year

1.66 million bibles sold each month

384,615 bibles sold per week

54,945 bibles sold every day

2,289 bibles sold per hour

38 bibles sold per minute

6.4 bibles sold every 10 seconds

In addition to the bibles sold, another 115,055 bibles are given away or distributed…


And remember, those above-mentioned facts are just for the United States, a country with a population of about 331,883,986 according to the US census. The USA accounts for about 4.25% of the total world’s population. The population of the USA is in a distant third behind both China with 1,389,618,778 people and India with 1,311,559,204 people.

So without question, the Holy Bible is filled with:

Religious texts, scriptures, is an anthology, instructions, stories, poetry, and prophecies.

But what about science?

I would submit to you that the Holy Bible, in addition to all of the things mentioned above, does in fact have plenty to say regarding 8 branches of science.

So what are these branches of science that are contained the Holy Bible?

The first branch of science will be covered next time.

Do not feel discouraged if you were unaware of the facts and figures surrounding the Holy Bible. Do not feel discouraged if you do not see a connection or relationship between science and the Holy Bible. Instead, understand that you are one step closer than you were yesterday in finding the scientific consistency that you are yearning for.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 89: The Science…Can It Be Settled…Once And For All?

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

DAY 88: Science…Fact Or Fiction?

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? (Albert Einstein)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 87: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link? – Conclusion....

I would submit to you that one thing that is consistent regarding humans and science, is its inconsistency. I would further submit to you that it is in this scientific inconsistency brought on by humans, that scientific consistency can eventually be found.

You just need to know where to look.

I have already submitted to you the scientific inconsistencies discovered by humans in the field of astronomy here:

Day 67: The Scientific Revolution – Part 1 – Ptolemy.;

Day 68: The Scientific Revolution – Part 1 – Ptolemy And The Catholic Church.;

Day 69: The Scientific Revolution – Part 1 – Copernicus To Newton.;

Day 72: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – Einstein And The Theory Of Relativity.;

Day 73: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – Einstein Vs. Newton. and;

DAY 85: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – E = mc2 +/- 1.

And I have also already submitted to you further scientific inconsistencies discovered by humans in the field of biology:

Day 74: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – Darwin.;

DAY 75: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – Erasmus And Charles Darwin.;

DAY 76: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – What Did Darwin Really Think?;

DAY 78: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Do All Scientists Agree?;

DAY 79: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Is The Science Really Settled?;

DAY 80: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, 12 More Questions.;

DAY 81: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Can You Give Me That Number Again?;

DAY 82: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.;

DAY 83: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – Conclusion.;

DAY 86: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link? and;

DAY 87: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link? – Conclusion.

I would further submit to you that there are other branches of science that also have scientific inconsistencies discovered by humans as well. However, I will not expand upon these potential scientific inconsistencies due to the fact that I do not cover them directly in my AP World History or AP European History classes with my students.

The reason for this is simple for two reasons:

1) The Scientific Revolution needs to be covered from a historical perspective because after all;

2) AP World History and AP European History are history, not science classes, and the Scientific Revolution is one of dozens of topics that I must cover with my students over the semester.

So, in an effort to remain both consistent and focused, I will remain, at least for now, within the scientific fields of astronomy and biology.


DAY 88: Science…Fact Or Fiction?,

I brought up both a very simple question and a very simple claim regarding how to solve these scientific inconsistencies in both biology and astronomy:

Is there any place where the science doesn’t change?

There is…

And where is this place where science doesn’t change?

That will be covered next time.

Well, right now, that ‘next time’, is here.

So, what is the answer?

I would submit to you that the answer is the Holy Bible.

I would further submit to you that not only does the Holy Bible provide scientific consistency for both biology and astronomy, the Holy Bible also provides scientific consistency for 6 other branches of science as well.

So, what exactly are these scientific consistencies that are to be found in the Holy Bible?

That will be covered next time.

Do not feel discouraged if you still are frustrated with the scientific inconsistencies regarding both astronomy and biology. Do not feel discouraged if you do not believe that consistency cannot possibly be found in the Holy Bible. Instead, understand that moving forward, the knowledge gained will help you to realize that scientific consistency will eventually be found.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, (Romans 1:22 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 88: Science…Fact Or Fiction?

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

DAY 87: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link? – Conclusion.

Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not prove them. (David Kitts)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 86: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link?...

I would submit to you that for decades, ‘Lucy’, a collection of 47 bones, was the missing link that closed the evolutionary transition between apes and humans. I would further submit to you that when science tried to justify what amounts to 23% of a human skeletal system as evidence of our ‘missing link’, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution still comes up short.

The fact is ‘Lucy’ has not been the first and only attempt to justify the ‘missing link’ between apes and humans. ‘Lucy’ has not been the first and only attempt to justify Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.

Here are 7 more examples throughout history to where the ‘missing link’ eventually falls short:

1) 1891-1892, Java, Dutch East Indies, (present day Indonesia):

Eugene Dubois, a known proponent of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, found the following within a year: a large skull-cap, three teeth, and a thigh-bone. The skull-cap and thigh-bone were found approximately 50 feet apart.

Dubois named his discovery, Anthropopithecus erectus, and then renamed it Pithecanthropus erectus, or ‘Java Man’. (These bones are also referred to in the current day as: Homo erectus erectus).

In the 1930s Dubois made the claim that Pithecanthropus was built like a “giant gibbon”, which is curious because after his discoveries, several scientists have concluded that 2 of the 3 teeth came from an orangutan.

I would submit to you that even if the scientific community was to universally accept as scientific fact that: 1) the bones collectively found 50 feet apart were in fact all from a single fossilized remains, and; 2) the 3 teeth, were in all in fact from the same fossilized remains, these bones still only represent 0.0097% of the human skeletal system. (Teeth are not actually considered bone).

2) 1907, near Heidelberg, Germany:

A single jawbone was discovered by Daniel Hartmann, who claimed that is was very human-like, just bigger and as he described it, more ‘robust’. Named Homo heidelbergensis, or ‘Heidelberg Man’, this ‘missing link’ to humans was ultimately based on .00485% of the adult, human skeletal system.

3) 1912, Piltdown, East Essex, United Kingdom:

In 1912, Charles Dawson contacted Arthur Smith Woodward, Keeper of Geology at the Natural History Museum in London, England, stating he had found a section of a human-like skull. (The reason that it was a section and completely intact could be the fact that workman at the site broke it up because they thought it was a fossilized coconut…in England.)

More bones were found at the site, as Dawson and Smith Woodward claimed they were connected to the same individual. A Geological Society meeting named this collection of ‘missing link’ bones, Eoanthropus dawsoni (“Dawson’s dawn-man”).

Questioned from the beginning, Eoanthropus dawsoni remained controversial until it was conclusively exposed in 1953 as a forgery.

4) 1922, Nebraska:

A tooth that Harold Cook had for ‘some time’, was given to Dr. Henry Osborn to identify the specimen. Osborn, in collaboration with 3 others: Dr. William D. Matthew, William K. Gregory and Dr. Milo Hellman, agreed that this tooth was enough scientific evidence to prove that it was more closely related to humans than to apes. (Remember that teeth are not considered bones.)

The discovery of Hesperopithecus haroldcookii, or ‘Nebraska Man’, was published in Science, a peer-review, academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. First published in 1880, the AAAS is still considered today as one of the world’s top academic journals.

The original classification of Hesperopithecus haroldcookii proved to be a mistake, and was retracted in 1927.

Like ‘Heidelberg Man’, scientists tried to prove the validity of Darwin’s ‘missing link’, based off of a discovery of a single tooth.

5) 1932, India-Nepal:

In 1932, a student Edward Lewis, discovered a single fragment of an upper jaw. The shape and parabolic curve of this jaw made it appear human, however, it has since been proven that this jaw is no ‘missing link’ for two reasons: 1) The fragments were pieced together incorrectly and; 2) In the animal kingdom, there is a baboon, (Theropithecus), that has the same parabolic curve with their jaw as humans.

6) 1959, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania:

In 1959 Louis Leakey, discovered the skull of an ape-like creature in Olduvai Gorge, East Africa. Leakey named it: Zinjanthropus boisei. It was nicknamed by the news media as “Nutcracker Man” because of its large jaw. Since some crude stone tools were found nearby, Leakey believed that he had discovered Darwin’s ‘missing link’. Leakey claimed the date of Nutcracker Man to be 600,000 years old.

Hans Reck, a German anthropologist, had found a perfectly normal and complete human skeleton in the same area in 1913. Louis Leakey already knew this because he had examined this skeleton in the Munich museum before his discovery. Leakey eventually retracted his claim that Nutcracker Man was the ‘missing link’, concluding that it was only an Australopithecine or extinct ape.

These conclusions continue to be the general scientific consensus today.

7) 1960, Olduvai George, Tanzania:

In 1960, Jonathan Leakey, the first son of Louis and Mary Leakey, discovered a partial juvenile skull, hand, and foot bones in Olduvai George.

After the discovery, Louis Leakey, South African scientist Philip Tobias, and British scientist John Napier, determined that a new species of humans had been discovered. This new species, Homo habilis, (‘handy man’), faced scrutiny almost from the beginning of its discovery due to some experts who believed that Leakey had in fact mixed both ape and human fossilized remains. In 1999 two leaders in the field wrote a paper that was published in Science claiming that “Homo” habilis should not even be considered a member of Homo, but rather an australopithecine, or extinct ape.

I would submit to you that on seven occasions from 1891 to 1960, individuals who claimed to have discovered scientific evidence that Darwin’s ‘missing link’, the evolutionary transition between apes and humans, had been found…

All eventually went 0 for 8.

Or to put it another way…

The science regarding the connection to Darwins Theory of Evolution and the ‘missing link’…

Changed 8 different times.

That is a lot of scientific change in just under 70 years.

Is there any place where the science doesn’t change?

There is…

And where is this place where science doesn’t change?

That will be covered next time.

Do not feel discouraged if you still cannot come to a conclusion regarding the scientific evidence presented and then eventually disproven, between 1891 and 1960. Do not feel discouraged if you are still unsure as to whether or not to believe or not believe in the idea of a ‘missing link’ between man and ape. Instead, understand that the evidence you are gaining will assist you to eventually come to a solid, scientific conclusion about humans and other scientific phenomenon as well.

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 87: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link? – Conclusion.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

DAY 86: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link?

Man appears to be the missing link between anthropoid apes and human beings. (Konrad Lorenz)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 85: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – E = mc2 +/- 1....

I would submit to you that one of the greatest stumbling blocks with Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is the absence of the ‘missing link’ between apes and humans. I would further submit to you that the most logical and scientific facts that would explain why this absence exists is because there was never one in the first place.

As I enter the final couple of weeks of my 52nd year on planet Earth, one of the few things that I remember from my high school days back in the early 1980’s, was the story that several science and social studies teachers taught us about where humans came from…

They taught us about the story of Lucy.

Back in November of 1974, a scientific team consisting of: paleo-anthropologists, geologists, fossil-hunters and graduate students from around the world, were following in the footsteps of Dr. Donald Johanson and his graduate student, Tom Gray, in Hadar, Ethiopia.

It is here, that Johanson and Gray were reputed to have discovered a partial skeleton of a human, dating back 3.2 million years. The team, listening to the Beatles song, “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” made naming this collection of bones, a no brainer.

According to this discovery regarding the age of humanity in 1974, the science was clear…

Humans were really, really old.

This is what the team at Hadar, Ethiopia found:

As I presented in both:

DAY 82: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words. and;

DAY 83: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – Conclusion.,

I presented 60 pictures that visually brings Darwin’s Theory of Evolution into question.

After looking at the picture of ‘Lucy’ above, compare it to the human skeletal system here:

After comparing these two visuals, a question you need to ask yourself is this:

Are the skeletal remains of ‘Lucy’ the skeletal remains of a human?

It is a scientific fact that the adult, human skeletal system, consists of 206 bones. (At birth, we have 270 bones, however as we age, many bones will fuse together into 206).

It is also a scientific fact that ‘Lucy’ consists of 47 bones, many of which are just fragments of the original bones in shape, size, or both.

To keep the math simple, I will divide the number of bones that the human skeletal system has with the amount of bones that ‘Lucy’ has:

206 / 47 = .228 or 23%.

In other words, according to science, as of November of 1974, the bones of ‘Lucy’ are the 2.3 million year old fossilized remains of a human.

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself after comparing the math equation above:

When you were in school, if you were earning a 23% in a class, would you pass?

If you were cooking a meal, how would it taste if you only had 23% of the ingredients?

If you were leaving your home bound for your favorite destination, how soon would you get there if the car you were driving only had 23% of its parts?

I would submit to you that there are many more questions that you could probably ask yourself using this similar questioning style, and the answer will still be the same.

Yet, science has taught us that since November, 1974, the bones of ‘Lucy’ are in fact, the 2.3 million year old fossilized remains of a human.

Is it possible then, that this team had to reconstruct the skeletal remains of ‘Lucy’, according to their preexisting beliefs about whether ‘Lucy’ was an ape…an ape-man…

Or human?

So, is it possible that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is still to be considered scientifically accurate, after the discovery of ‘Lucy’?

Is there more evidence that can be presented to help someone come to a definite and logical conclusion regarding the evolution and age of humans?

And if there is more evidence, where is this evidence?

That will be covered next time.

Do not feel discouraged if you cannot come to a conclusion regarding the scientific evidence presented regarding the discovery of ‘Lucy’ in November, 1974. Do not feel discouraged if the science may or may not add up regarding Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. Instead, understand that the evidence is out there for you to discover and to ultimately come to a solid, scientific conclusion about how old humanity really is.

47 Remember how short my time is: wherefore hast thou made all men in vain? (Psalms 89:47 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 86: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – What Missing Link?.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

DAY 85: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – E = mc2 +/- 1.

If your car could travel at the speed of light, would your headlights work? (Steven Wright)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 84: Rest…Relax…Reflect....

I would submit to you that as science moved into the 21st century, the discoveries made would once again radically change not only the fields of science, but the way humanity views these topics as well. I would further submit to you that in particular, the discoveries made in the fields of physics and evolution should make one stop and think and wonder about the validity of science itself.

In my Advanced Placement World History and European History classes, when the time came to wrap up the Scientific Revolution, I would refer to the scientific discoveries of the early 21st century as the Scientific Revolution – Part 3.

In the Scientific Revolution – Part 3, for example, it is well known that in the field of physics, the ‘c’ in E = mc2 represents a mathematical constant regarding the speed of light. According to Einstein’s famous equation, nothing in the universe can travel faster than 186,282 miles per second, (299,792 km/s).

Not even light.

It is understood that this constant speed represents a limit that cannot be broken.

Until of course…it breaks.

In the 1990’s, researchers at the Rowland Institute for Science in Cambridge, Massachusetts, were able to slow a light beam down from 186,282 miles a second to 38 miles an hour:

In 2011, researchers outside of Rome clocked particles, known as neutrinos, traveling faster than the speed of light. These neutrinos in fact were clocked 60 nanoseconds faster, (60 billionths of a second), then light:

In January 2015, researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have conducted experiments can slow down…speed up…and block light:

Also in 2015, scientists at the University of Glasgow in Scotland were able to slow light down inside a vacuum:

And in 2016, a team from the University of Philippines’ National Institute of Physics have a new way to slow down light, by twisting it:

These discoveries in the 1990’s, 2011, 2015 and 2016, have put Einstein’s theory of relativity and force into question, as the scientific field of physics is now forced to rewrite its standard model regarding the speed of light, and how it moves in our universe.

Humanity has come a long way regarding the universe and our place in it.

Remember the chronological flow of these scientific discoveries:

Ptolemy’s Geocentric Model…

To the discoveries known as the Heliocentric Theory of the Universe, along with Newtonian Physics, made during the time period that I refer to as: Scientific Revolution – Part 1…

To Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, E = mc2, discovered during the time period that I refer to as: the Scientific Revolution – Part 2…

To the various discoveries happening from the 1990’s to 2016, during the time period that I refer to as: the Scientific Revolution – Part 3.

I would submit to you that after taking all of this in there is only one conclusion that we can make regarding the scientific fields related to our place in the universe…

It is constantly changing over time.

At least in the field of astronomy and physics.

Are there any other fields of science that have changed over time?

Yes there are.

So, what are these other fields of science that have changed over time?

That will be covered next time.

Do not feel discouraged if you cannot come to a conclusion regarding the scientific validity in the fields of astronomy and physics. Do not feel discouraged if you still need more evidence before coming to a solid conclusion. Instead, understand that connection to the universe, in the fields of astronomy and physics, is becoming more clear without even realizing it.

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.. (Hebrews 11:3 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading DAY 85: The Scientific Revolution – Part 3 – E = Mc2 +/- 1.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

Day 84: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

Life is a balance between rest and movement. (Rajneesh)

Thinking about the musings from DAY 83: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – Conclusion....

I would submit to you that it is important to take some rest. 

Just like the 12th week winding down at school, week 12 is winding down here.  I end with the quote: “I will give you Sunday’s off, it’s a God thing….”

The more I think about it, I don’t really know if it is really just a ‘God thing’. I mean, don’t animals, insects, birds, plants, the rest of Mother Nature and even Atheists, believe in the importance of rest? Whether they think it’s a ‘God thing’ or not, rest is necessary for all of us on this Earth, to restore, and to rejuvenate, our hearts, minds, bodies and souls. I think, most importantly, because Monday’s can be brutal, on a good Monday….

Bottom line no matter where you stand on the issue of God…get some rest.

Spend some time if you want to do some reviewing, reflecting, and/or meditating, on the week that has just ended. To be mindful perhaps of the from last week:

DAY 78: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Do All Scientists Agree? – There are at least 9 individuals, respected in their field of science, that have issues with Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. In fact, one of these individuals is Sir Isaac Newton, who pre-dated Charles Darwin by over 100 years;

DAY 79: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Is The Science Really Settled? – There are at least 2 issues that must be addressed when determining the scientific relevance of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution: The Second Law of Thermodynamics. There are also 6 more questions covered here that must be asked to help one determine whether or not the science is in fact settled regarding the Theory of Evolution;

DAY 80: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, 12 More Questions. – After understanding that there are 7 conditions that would qualify as to what the definition of science is, more questions need to be asked regarding the scientific relevance of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. From here, at least 12 more questions must be asked…and they are not easy to answer;

DAY 81: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, Can You Give Me That Number Again? – In the realm of mathematics, a man named Fibonacci came to a revolutionary conclusion that changed forever the trajectory of the Western World. What is most interesting is the larger these Fibonacci Sequence numbers get, the more their answers stay the same…when each new number in the sequence is simply the sum of the two before it…and then divided, the same number is your answer: 1.618, the Golden Ratio;

DAY 82: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words. – There are 30 pictures presented that all have one thing in common…The Golden Ratio, 1.618. This number, 1.618, the Gold Ratio, can be found in: galaxies, a continent, water, sea creatures, plants, animals, and insects;

DAY 83: The Scientific Revolution – Part 2 – The Theory Of Evolution, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – Conclusion. – An additional 30 pictures are presented here, all relating to: humans, art and architecture. How is it possible that, when combined the 30 pictures presented in Day 82, that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution can be scientifically accurate?

Are you ready to get some rest?

Do not feel discouraged if you don’t know how to rest. Do not feel discouraged if you power down your mind and body that wishes to forge ahead, so many things to do, so little time. Instead, embrace the idea that rest is rejuvenating. Embrace the idea that rest restores and recharges.  10-15 minutes. Do nothing regarding the upcoming workweek…for 10-15 minutes.  Then, 7 days later, extent your rest time out 5 minutes.  Deep breathing exercises. Simple yoga poses. Watching cute little puppies on your social media feed. All unrelated to work and your job(s). Something, some things, to clear your mind.     

10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. (Exodus 33:14 KJV)

Was today’s blog a little confusing at times? Was the content perhaps a little overwhelming? Did you feel lost not understanding some or most of the subject matter?

Those feelings are totally understandable and it is ok to have one or more of those feelings. Remember that you are reading Day 84: Rest…Relax…Reflect.

If you haven’t been in class since the first day of school…or when the project began…or when the contract was first signed, etc., these feelings make perfect and logistical sense.

Please feel free to go back to where all of this began:

Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

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