About Me

SURTSTruth.com was launched in November, 2020, as a place for the lost, the found, and for those in-between.

For those with no answers, some answer or those who believe that they have most of the answers.

A place for those who cannot communicate their ideas to anyone, let alone inanimate objects, to those who are skilled communicators.

If you feel that this is you that I have described in the statements above, then I believe there may be something on this website for you to learn, enjoy, or communicate to others, regarding the nature of the universe, and where you, (and I), fit in.

I am in that first set of statements as well.

We all are.

Years ago, I went with a high school buddy of mine up to Wisconsin for a couple of days. Although I will not speak for him, to be honest, I had really one goal and one goal only to accomplish with our overnight stay in his overhead cab, pick-up truck, under the cool, Wisconsin night-time skies, while gazing up at the stars all around me:

“Please…if there is anyone or anything, up there…can you please take me away from here?

Or even better…can you let me know if we are, or are not, alone in the universe?”

And so, from that point on, after returning, without ever really leaving Wisconsin after all, (aliens never took me on a whirl-wind tour across the universe after all, much to my dismay at the time), there have been basically two streams of thought that swim through both my conscious, and unconscious brain, ever since that trip:

  1. Why am I here? And maybe perhaps more importantly;
  2. What happens once we are done here?

In other words, before my trip, the idea of living out an average life here on planet Earth…and then eventually dying, (hopefully, nothing overly dramatic or gruesome to traumatize my family of course), and then…

Well I really wasn’t settled on the ‘and then’ part.

After the trip? Well, looking up at all of those stars and planets and galaxies, both seen and even countless more unseen…

There has to be something more.

So here I am, north of 50 years old, with a wife and two kids, living in the Great State of Texas, after living the first half of my life in the suburbs of Chicago, who enjoys biking, craft beers and history, trying to start up this blog…

And website.

My hope is that hopefully the experience that I have gained over the past 25 years of teaching history to high school students can help both you and I to answer a simple, yet complex question: 


That, after all, is what SURTS.com is all about.

Think of SURTSTruth.com as a journey…to try to uncover and unpack not only the ‘why’ are we here, but also the ‘because’ part as well.

Where will this journey take you? 

That is up to you to decide.

Welcome to SURTSTruth.com. 

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