Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science. (Edwin Hubble)
According to biblical scholars, the Holy Bible contains a group of 66 books, written by 35 known authors, on 3 different continents, over a period of approximately 1,500 years.
The overarching theme of the Holy Bible is religious based of course; however it is also so much more.
There are some who claim that the Holy Bible is nothing more than myth…
or legend…
or fairy tales.
But what about…
The accuracy of scientific facts contained in the Holy Bible are anything but myth, legend or fairy tales. Here is a bold claim indeed regarding science and the Holy Bible:
There is no scientific evidence known to mankind that would directly contradict the Holy Bible.
In addition, the Holy Bible has multiple verses directly addressing science that were written years, hundreds or thousands of years, before any other recorded evidence was created.…
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The works of the LORD are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. (Psalms 111:2 KJV)