Everything Has To Do With Geography. (Judy Martz)
According to Wikipedia as of 11/30/2020, there are 228 geographical locations which they consider under the category of:
“List of biblical places…an incomplete list of places, lands, and countries mentioned in the Bible.”
and 188 geographical locations which they consider under the category of:
“List of minor biblical places.”
According to, WebBibleEnclycopedia, as of 11/30/2020, there are 1,173 geographical locations which they consider under the category of:
“Places in the Bible.”
Finally, according to The Bible Almanac, as of 11/20/2020, there are 108 geographical locations which they consider:
“All The Places In The Bible”…
Just for the letter A.
Now whether or not you agree with there being: 108, 188, or 1,173 geographic locations located in the Holy Bible, those numbers are quite amazing either way.
The point is this:
while the Holy Bible is of course a religious themed book first and foremost, clearly, it is much more than that.
This section of is focused on the geography components contained in the Holy Bible.
For this section of SURTSGeography, I wish to thank the authors of the following website:
What they have chosen to undertake was no small task indeed. What they did was to partake in what they term:
“Bible Geocoding, The location of every identifiable place mentioned in the Bible.”
According to, as of 11/20/2020, there are 127 geographical locations which they consider under the category of:
“Bible Atlas.”
Just for the letter A.
Also according to, as of 11/20/2020, of the 66 books in the Holy Bible, there are 7 books that contain zero geographic references:
2 Thessalonians;
1 John;
2 John and;
3 John.
What I have done is taken their awesome set of pages and streamlined it down a bit into smaller parts. literally broke down their maps two different ways:
1) By individual books and:
2) By chapter in each book, for example, there are 50 individual maps for the 50 chapters in Genesis:
What follows next is the 59 books with geographic references, complete with Google Maps geographical pinpointing of these locations.
In other words, I am presenting now the part 1 set of maps from instead of both parts 1 and 2….
Want to learn more?
Welcome to SURTSGeography.
Reference Map of Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia
Please note that for all maps on both the Old and New Testament tables, you are able to zoom in by clicking once on the map.
Old Testament
New Testament
Matthew | 2 Corinthians | 1 Timothy | 2 Peter |
Mark | Galatians | 2 Timothy | 1 John (no map) |
Luke | Ephesians | Titus | 2 John (no map) |
John | Philippians | Philemon (no map) | 3 John (no map) |
Acts | Colossians | Hebrews | Jude |
Romans | 1 Thessalonians | James (no map) | Revelation |
1 Corinthians | 2 Thessalonians (no map) | 1 Peter |
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: (Isaiah 40:22)
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