Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

I am unsure how to approach this, so I will do it the best way that I know how.  I am hoping that what I present makes sense as I attempt to put this information in a logical flow for you to understand. 

I know that there is a need out there for looking for answers, and I hope to fill a much needed void that you, and many more like you, have. In fact, my goal of these writings is in the end two-fold:

1) To present some ideas about the universe and our roles in it that hopefully make sense to you and;

2) To help myself to gain an inner peace that I have been searching for, for quite a while now. 

In the age of computers, Internet, and instant information, I have no more excuses to at least try to make some sort of an impact, for both you and I.  

Seeing that I teach for a living and a practicing Christian, (when I am not sinning of course), I feel compelled to try to do more.  But how to accomplish this goal?  As a high school teacher in the public school system, I do not shy away from questions asked by my students in class and I hope that these experiences will help you to answer one, some, or many questions that you may have, about yourself and why you are here. 

I may not know all of the answers, but I am wise enough to know that when a question is too much for me, I can find out the answers eventually from others more equipped than I.  

The internet truly is a modern miracle….

I have been noodling around with this idea for almost a year now. 

Well, maybe even longer than that.  A lot longer.

There have been many obstacles impeding the finished product, or for that matter, really even starting this:

1) There are a lot of holes in my basic outline;

2) I have been lazy;

3) I have OCD;

4) Life happens;

With that being said however, I feel now that I have run out of excuses.  I feel that it is time to move forward and actually put this thing together once and for all. 

Please be aware that my main job for 25 years running now is teaching Advanced Placement World History and European History to high school students.  Although you may get miffed at my butchering of the English language from time to time, or may pull out a calculator on the spot because my basic math appears to not add up, please keep in mind of two things when you read my stuff:

1) I am not doing it to upset you, I do not have an absolute command of the English language, and I have been known to ‘Phat Phinger’ the buttons on my calculator, despite what those outside the system may think.  For the last 15 years, I have been teaching the students what matters most when responding to a prompt by writing an essay: identify what you have learned and explain why it matters. Notice that spelling, grammar and punctuation are secondary;

2) I work with teen-agers, so I use some of their lingo to make the history concepts I am trying to teach, in theory at a college level, applicable to them in the real world, so that it makes sense to them.

With some of those basics out of the way, let’s begin.

The two facts below I found online from a guy named Dr. Gary North.  I have found these two facts quite thought provoking, as they relate to one’s calling in life:

1) At age 50, (he believes), you should be spending at least 35% of your non-family time on your calling. This percentage should grow, year by year. A good target is 1% per year.  That means then that;

2) By age 65, (he believes), you should be devoting 50% of your time to your calling. If you can accelerate this transition, all the better. 

I don’t need a calculator out to know that I am already far behind that 35% number as I just passed my 52nd birthday a couple of months ago.

Here is a bible verse that I read not so long ago, that not only helps what Dr. Gary North is saying about one’s calling make perfect sense, but ultimately perhaps helps to explain what a ‘mid-life crisis’ is:

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. (Psalm 90:10 KJV*) 

*For sake of simplicity, I will post all Bible verses in blue.  The KJV stands for: King James Version.  When I am pulling Bible verses, I tend to use the King James Bible as my reference and for consistency.  I believe that it is the most difficult to understand with all of the Old English that is in there, but at the same time, I think that if we can get a handle on the King James Version, I think that in and of itself is quite an accomplishment.  

The King James Version is the Bible version that I will use going forward….

I am not good at math but I think what the author of Psalms is saying is the following:

A score is 20 years, so threescore years and ten means 70 years and fourscore years then means 80 years.  That means that a full, human lifespan is roughly between 70 to 80 years, whether they believe in the Bible, the author of Psalms, or not.  To me, I think that when we hit around 40 plus years, the ‘mid-life crisis’ that we feel is actually God nudging us towards our calling.  He is trying to get us to recognize that we are at about our mid-way point here on Earth and it’s time to begin the transition towards our calling, that is, leaving a true, lasting impression for the generations that follow.  I think that this may explain why so many of us begin to feel that sense of angst, fear, longing, whatever you want to call it, in our lives.  I think that these normal reactions are more acute with those that at the end of the day are unchurched and sense that their lives are coming closer to a close.  The realization that after a couple of decades of work and paychecks and a house and a couple of cars and maybe kids…the idea that there has to be more, starts to sink in, panic perhaps, and thus the ‘mid-life crisis’ that we all experience to various degrees of frequency and intensity. 

I believe more and more that ultimately the more you lean on God and the Bible, the less your mid-life crisis.

Do you think that that last paragraph with all of the references to God are silly and irrational and baseless? 

Perhaps they are. 

How about you re-read that paragraph above then without any of the references to God.  

Does it make sense to you now?

If so, can we then both agree then that a mid-life crisis is still a mid-life crisis, whether you believe God is a part of it or not?

Do not feel discouraged about having a ‘mid-life crisis’.  I think it’s normal for all of humanity, whether they want to admit it or not.  Do not feel discouraged if you feel that up until this point in your life, you feel empty, pointless, and directionless, I think we all feel those things to varying degrees as we get older.  I believe it’s a God thing, trying to nudge us in the right direction.  We all gotta start somewhere right?

I want to try to keep these messages short and to the point to prevent drifting.  So with that being said, I want to close with the following two quotes, one from the former lead singer of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters and the other the Psalms verse referenced above:   

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you’re older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death. (Roger Waters)

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. (Psalm 90:10 KJV)

At the end of the day, I think they are both saying the same thing, don’t you?

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2 thoughts on “Day 1: What Is A Mid-Life Crisis?

  1. Reply
    Bob Page - April 21, 2022

    I applaud you. I to am in love with history.
    Question, do you have any notion that this is a spiritual war? I believe that this started before Christ was born. It continued to progress, and ballooned during the industrial revolution. IMHO, We are living in the most
    exciting time of all of history, save the time of Jesus and the word of God. Your comments are welcome.

    1. Reply
      Surts - June 11, 2022

      I would submit to you that you, me, and all of humanity, has been and will always be engaged in a spiritual war until the return of Jesus Christ. I would further submit to you that the the spiritual war that we all engage in on a daily basis began when the evil one tempted Adam and Eve with the apple in the Garden of Eden….

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